“The Moto Z2 Force comes with bundled with a TurboPower Pack mod worth Rs 5,999”
Recently, the Lenovo-owned Motorola sent out media invites for the launch of the Moto Z2 Force in India. Now, the brand has gone ahead and released the device in the country today. Notably, the smartphone comes to the country a whole year after its launch in the US. In India, Motorola is offering a free Moto TurboPower Pack mod with the device, which connects to it using the 16-pin magnetic connector at the back. The TurboPower Pack adds an extra 3,490mAh battery to the device, and costs Rs 5,999 when sold separately.
The Moto Z2 Force comes with a 5.5-inch quad HD display that flaunts Motorola’s proprietary ShatterShield panel. Motorola claims that the display is designed to not crack or shatter, but can pick up scratches and cosmetic damages. However, the five-layer design comes with a replaceable exterior “lens” that can be swapped out if it gets scratched. The device flaunts an all-metal unibody chassis with a water repellent nano-coating. For security, there is a fingerprint scanner on the front
On to the core specs of the device, it is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 processor, which has been mated to 6GB of RAM and 64GB of expandable storage. In the imaging department, you get a dual camera module on the rear panel consisting of a pair of 12-megapixel shooters in an RGB + monochrome setup. For selfies and video calling, there is a 5-megapixel shooter on the front, which has been accompanied by an LED flash. Out of the box, the device runs stock Android 8.0 Oreo with Moto Actions baked in. It is fuelled by a 2,730mAh battery that supports Turbo Charging. The battery strength goes up to 6,220mAh when the PowerPack mod is attached.
Motorola is offering the handset in a single black hue. It is priced at Rs 34,999, and will go on sale exclusively via Flipkart at midnight tonight. It will also be available to purchase offline at Moto Hubs around the country.
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