Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Windows Phone 8.1: Why I ditched Android and couldn't be happier

Of all the mobile platforms out there, Windows Phone 8.1 was literally the absolute last option I ever thought I would land upon. I had a burning hatred for Windows on the mobile side, seeing that I was forced into using a Pocket PC 6700 (Windows Mobile 5) years ago while working for a former employer. To say that experience soured my opinion of Windows Mobile is an understatement.

Custom Search
Frankly, and I don't care what the diehards say, Windows for phones prior to Windows Phone 8 should very well be erased from memory for anyone who had to deal with it. From unintuitive interface design, to cludgy touchscreen navigation with a stylus, it was a Picasso of a mobile OS for exactly all the wrong reasons.
When some of my technology minded friends (who are now Android heads, go figure) attempted to get me to take another look at Windows Mobile a few years back, I absolutely refused. After my PPC 6700 nightmare of years before, I made a conscious decision to never wade into Windows Mobile territory ever again. And for many years, I upheld my promise.
But as we very well know, Windows Phone 8.1 is a vastly different beast from what Windows Mobile of the mid 2000s exemplified. The terrible battery life was gone. The interface matched the ebb and flow of Windows 8, which I actually find intuitive. And the app experience finally resembled clean design that a mobile phone deserves -- not Windows desktop apps miniaturized for a 4" screen as was previously the case.

My first (and formerly promised, last) experience with the Windows smartphone platform was back in 2006 on a Pocket PC 6700 device. This pile of cr*p ran a terrible excuse for a mobile OS, Windows Mobile 5.0. It was a pseudo-Windows XP interface with the stability of Windows 98. Yes, using Task Manager to kill frozen apps was a near daily necessity. I vowed never to touch Windows on a phone again. Luckily I broke that promise and gave Microsoft a second chance. (Image Source:The Unwired)

So after giving Android a try for a few years, sporting a Galaxy S2 and finally a Galaxy S3, I gave Microsoft the benefit of the doubt and dove head first into rogue OS territory. Since I am on T-Mobile in the US, my best option late last year was a Nokia Lumia 925 that came with Windows Phone 8 in stock form.
Since then, I have already updated to Windows phone 8.1 in the Developer Preview program and have been on the new OS for a few months at this point. More thoughts on the latest iteration of the OS follow below.
Yet I am certain one big mental hump needs to be resolved before I can go into the things I love (and the few I don't) about Windows Phone 8.1.

Why the heck would I switch from Android to what some call a lesser platform, namely in popularity and selection of apps? Am I crazy?
Android, iPhone, BlackBerry: Been There, Done That
I'm not here to give Android the brunt of bad opinion when it comes to mobile OSes. It happens to be the previous mobile OS I was on for roughly two years, but it isn't by any means the sole prior platform I've got experience with. The last thing I need is the BlackBerry or iPhone army pegging me with "why didn't you try our camp?"
At this point, since my last six months on Windows Phone, I can proudly say that I've given all the major mobile OSes more than a fair shake. OK, barring BB 10 -- but I think we can all agree BB 10 has a much larger hill to climb than Windows Phone 8.1 in terms of mindshare. So let's shelve that platform for now.
But as far as the major options are concerned, I was a BlackBerry faithful (and quite happy one, too) up until my final BB handset, the Torch 9810. I always lauded BB as having one of the best battery life offerings of any phone I've worked with. It was hard not to chuckle when my Android friends always complained about having to plug in every 8-12 hours to charge up.
BlackBerry in the waning OS 7 days was nothing excellent, but met my needs. I was never an app-aholic so I was used to a truncated app selection. My biggest needs were always a solid typing experience, clean form factor, and I was in love with physical keyboards on the BB devices -- the slider keyboards on many Android devices of the 2009-2011 timeframe were quite cruddy in my opinion.
Once word started rumbling that BB 10 was taking over soon, I decided to jump ship and give Android a try. I started off on a Galaxy S2, and then when the girlfriend needed to upgrade phones, she took my S2 and I moved myself to an S3. Both phones were exceptional in many areas, the biggest one being app selection.
But Androids have two nasty thorns in their side which many enthusiasts glaze over. The first is their propensity to have subpar battery life unless you opt for one of the gargantuan handsets like a Note 3. Not everyone wishes to carry around a phablet just to achieve day long battery life. I think Google has a long way to go in optimizing battery usage in the Android system, because it seems ages behind especially compared to what I saw on BlackBerry OS 5/6/7 (which happens to be heavily based around Java as well!)

The other, more nagging, nasty edge is the mess that I saw first hand when it came to OS version selection, namely in the form of both first party carrier-driven OS updates and third party ROMs. I think the open source nature of Android is excellent in theory -- but it fails in the real world, running into many of the same harder-than-it-should-be qualms as the Linux platform does on computers.
Take my experience on the Galaxy S3, for example. I was routinely multiple versions behind what Google was showcasing in press events for the latest Android releases, because as they claim, the carriers were holding up versions. OK, fair enough, I know they aren't the nicest parties when it comes to keeping us up to date.
But I routinely updated my old BlackBerry devices on my own using official OS releases from other carriers without issue. It usually took me a mere 20 mins entailing a USB cable, the OS release image, and a helper tool to load on the OS. There was no special magic behind it, as is seemingly needed on the Android side.
The same dilemma on the Android side is a far bigger mess, and I don't care what the ROM community says at this point. Their disconnect from the "average user" (I am an IT Pro, but I have zero interest in becoming an Android ROM enthusiast) was fully on display in my trials and tribulations in not only trying to find a good ROM, but worse, trying to install it myself.
Since I a huge fan of Wi-Fi calling and cannot live without it at this point (an area that iPhone has until recently lacked in, I should mention) finding a proper S3 ROM that doesn't strip out Wi-Fi calling is a major pain in the rear. ROM developers claim that Samsung wraps Wi-Fi calling into its Touchwiz underpinnings, meaning that a ROM developer has to either layer on top of it or remove Touchwiz entirely.

It's all dev speak to me; the end user side of me doesn't care to wade through the intricacies of this menial technical discussion for Android enthusiasts.
I settled on going with a ROM called Dandroid, which was a clean rip of stock Android that didn't remove Wi-Fi calling. Loading it onto my phone was a whole other story! I had to wade through leagues of half-baked instructions spread across numerous websites in how to unlock my phone, install recovery software, and on and on and on. After over 10 hours of research and two near "bricking" instances of my phone (code word for destroying your handset), I ended up with a workable Dandroid installation.
After thinking that I learned the process well enough to do my own upgrades, I was quite wrong. As Android versions underneath the ROM continued to move up, there was discussion that users needed to update their radio files and other critical aspects stripped apart from Dandroid, and this required more fine tuned labor. I dropped my endeavors with Android ROMs and decided to stay put on that release.
For a platform that prides itself on openness and ease of customization, it couldn't be this hard, I was convinced. But when my Android enthusiast friends who are also IT pros had just as much of a struggle getting a ROM onto my girlfriend's S2, I knew I wasn't alone. Even the experts were having trouble, and that's a bad sign.
For as large as the Android community supposedly is, does it make rational sense that it could be that difficult to install and maintain a custom ROM on your phone? If it took myself ten hours, as an IT pro no less, to take my first stab, how could this community expect the average user to ever take advantage of the supposed endless wonders of Android ROMs?
I don't think the majority will, or do. So they are forever forced into using bloated stock ROMs full of bloatware you can't remove (like Zynga and Dropbox, the few nasties I recall refusing to uninstall on my stock S3). In turn, Android will continue to get a bad rap for battery life on most handsets aside from the beasts like the Note series that overcompensate for poor software battery utilization in exchange for monstrous battery sizes.
Just like the Linux community before them, the Android ROM community is full of those who are too entrenched with the wonders and joys of coding and modding, with a complete disconnect from the user base they will never be able to reach. The average user, the beginning IT enthusiast, the teenager who hears all the joys of Android ROMs.
I own a Google Nexus 10 tablet and the OS situation on that device is excellent. I don't have to worry about ROMs to stay up to date. But it's sad that you have to pick between Nexus and every-other-device in order to make a decision about your OS updates for the future.

Google's best asset (Android) happens to be its own worst enemy in my eyes, and they need to seriously clean up the mess surrounding its ecosystem. Until then, I'm staying far away from the Android ecosystem for the time being. Its promises of openness and flexibility are only skin deep -- unless you're willing to stay tunnel-visioned on the Nexus line.

On the Android side, I had to always make a decision: handset freedom (Galaxy line) or easy OS update capability (Nexus line). Microsoft doesn't force me into such boxes with Windows Phone. The Lumia line of devices come in an awesome variety of shapes, sizes, and colors and they nearly all receive similar treatment of access to the latest edition of WP through the Developer Preview program. Goodbye, Android ROM hell, I won't miss you. (Image Source: WinSupersite)
As for the iPhone, I spent a good one month stint on an iPhone 4 a few years back in between phones. I did it moreso as an experiment to see what I was possibly missing on the Apple side. Seemingly, it wasn't much. Of all the smartphones I've used, Apple's iPhone was one of the most lackluster experiences to date.
There was a complete lack of multitasking; the screen was way too small for a touch keyboard (I have fat fingers); and the battery life was nothing amazing.

Apple was always a holdout with never allowing Wi-Fi calling until very recently, so this was a big item lacking in my eyes. I also felt that the OS ran a bit sluggish on the device. I don't recall what OS version I had the device on, but it was noticeably slow in many respects like switching to and from apps. Perhaps I should have given a 4S or 5 a try, but I don't see much progress on the iPhone side to warrant another trial; especially with how happy I am on Windows Phone now.
For all the accolades Apple gets about masterful interface design, I truly felt that iPhone was (and still is) stuck in the past with its interface. Rows and rows of bland icons (now slightly enhanced with folders I should add) don't do much in the face of what Android and especially Windows Phone are doing for their UIs.
As is pretty clear by now, my settling on Windows Phone 8.1 as my favorite mobile OS so far isn't a conclusion reached through a lack of awareness or trials on the other platforms. I've touched them all in some form or fashion, and while Android met most of my needs, I've since been even happier on Windows Phone.

The Windows Phone App Gap: Becoming Irrelevant From Multiple Angles
The biggest, and most widespread, complaint against Windows Phone continues to be a constant harping on the fact that Win Phone doesn't have the million-app counts that Google and Apple's ecosystems enjoy. While there is something to be said for the most popular apps that people enjoy on other platforms daily, after a certain point, this becomes moreso a battle of the numbers and not one of a detrimental user experience due to a lack of ample selection.
Why do I say this? Because even as app store counts continue to balloon on the Apple and Android sides, this isn't translating into a related rise in the average number of apps used per person. In fact, there is almost no zero documented rise in the average used app count per person according to the latest numbers from Nielsen.

According to Neilsen's research, back in Q4 2011, the average number of apps used per month per person was a mere 23.2. Moving ahead to Q4 2012 it rose minimally to 26.5. Fast forward to Q4 2013 and we are nearly standing still, at a similar 26.8. A statistical brick wall, if you ask me.
What's the takeaway here? As app stores on Android and iPhone continue to get bloated, this isn't translating into a user base that is moving their app counts forward in step. The notion of an "upper limit" in terms of how many apps people realistically download and consume is looking like a truth at this point.
So for those that refuse to give Windows Phone a chance merely due to its sub-200K app count: so what? For all the hubbub about the competing app stores bursting at the seams, most people are never going to take advantage of a large majority of these apps regardless of how many you toss at them. And this was something I've believed for a few years already.
For those that are still concerned their favorite apps won't be available on a Windows Phone 8.1 device, let's have a look at some of the most popular apps on iPhones/Androids and see if they are on Windows Store already.
As of July 14, 2014:
  • Facebook: Yes
  • Angry Birds: Yes
  • Skype: Yes
  • Twitter: Yes
  • WhatsApp: Yes
  • Adobe Reader: Yes
  • Instagram: Yes
  • Pinterest: Yes
  • YouTube: No, but much better alternative called MetroTube available
  • Snapchat: No, but alternative called 6snap available
  • Pandora: Yes
  • Google Maps: No, but alternatives Bing Maps and HERE Maps are available
  • Spotify: Yes
  • Netflix: Yes
  • Yelp: Yes
It's pretty clear that when it comes to the biggest most popular apps, Windows Phone has you covered. For the few official apps that don't exist (namely due to Google's ignorance), awesome alternatives are around that work just as well, if not better (in the case of MetroTube, namely, as an app that blows away Google's YouTube apps).
Sure, some of the niche games out there which may be riding the popularity charts on a given week may be missing, but this gap will be closing further as time goes on.

Am I missing any apps I used to have on my Android phone? The only biggie in particular is RingCentral, as the company is being quite stubborn in releasing a Windows Phone app. However, that frustration has been quelled in large part as my company has shifted its mobile VoIP needs to hosted Lync from CallTower, and Microsoft's Lync support on mobile devices is far better than what RingCentral has right now. And the Lync experience is far more full featured than what RC offers on the mobile side with cross device unified messaging, VoIP, video chat, and more.
The purists may balk at the fact that there are no official Google Maps or YouTube apps for the Windows Phone still, but as I listed above, the alternatives are out there and are just as capable. Shame on Google for having such an anti-Win Phone policy; this isn't Microsoft's fault.
It's quite ironic, though, that Microsoft serves the Android side with official apps for nearly every piece of its ecosystem (Lync, OWA, OneDrive, and the list goes on).
So, Where Does Windows Phone Excel?
I'm quite firmly a believer that a mobile experience does not solely start and stop at its app count. Nielsen's latest findings just solidify my notions here; we have a selection of apps we love dearly and use often, but above that, most of us aren't cycling through adventurous app lists as much as the Apple/Google camps would like us to believe.
I guess I'm a part of that "boring" majority. I'm in email numerous times a day. Lync gets quite a bit of usage for customer phone calls and intra-staff messaging needs. GasBuddy gets me my latest gas prices locally. Pandora gets me music when I'm on the go. And NextGen Reader is a near addiction during spare time; I'm a news junkie and RSS feeds are easily browsed through this excellent app.

There are a couple of other common apps I'm within often, like my Maps app, OneDrive for docs and photos, OneNote when I need to access my digital notes, but I'm not nearly drowning in apps like some others I know. I guess I'm more of a mobile fundamentalist when it comes to my needs. The things I use are used heavily, but I don't truly care about browsing the Windows Store weekly for new apps.
My mobile needs center around my daily life as someone who runs a busy and growingmanaged IT services company. I need to stay in touch with staff members first and foremost, as well as family and friends. I don't have too much time to frolic like some may on their phones during the day, fumbling between Facebook and Twitter and whatnot.
I also hate gaming on phones; I'd much rather get on my Xbox 360 and play a few rounds in Halo than bear through gaming on my small Lumia 925 screen. That's just me, though. So I won't comment on mobile gaming since I am no authority in this arena.

Think iPhones or Androids have customizable home screens? Windows Phone 8.1 blows them both out of the water. The combination of being able to size your icon tiles along with per-app Live Tile capabilities that are caked into many apps means that you can truly fine tune your phone to your exact liking. Gone are the rows/columns of bland app icons you may be used to. This is truly a tweaker's dream, and no two Windows Phones will ever be the same as a result. Conformity is so 2011.
In many ways, Windows Phone 8.1 is a breath of a fresh air for me. My history with smartphones has been marred by experiences that used roughly the same UI combination with slightly different coats of paint. BlackBerry always used static rows of icons. iPhone without a doubt had the same. And my previous smartphone, the Galaxy S3, furthered this same boxed thinking albeit with a twist: the advancement of widgets. Of which I used only one (the clock).
Windows Phone tosses that thinking out the window. Instead of dividing your icons into separate home screens or hidden into folders, Microsoft extends the same concept that exists on the Windows 8.x tablets/desktops -- you guessed it -- Live Tiles.

Live Tiles offer many advantages over the traditional, bland icon approach of all the other ecosystems. First off, Live Tiles can be resized into numerous "tiled" sizes, ranging from very small, to larger boxes, to some that can stretch nearly the entire width of your phone into a rectangular shape. The shape options depend on the developer of the given app you are resizing; most of Microsoft's first party affairs take advantage of all size options, as a rule of thumb.
Doubly, they also take over the functionality that Android's  separate widgets provide (again, on a per-app basis) by having automated capabilities to virtually flip into informational cards. My weather icon, as shown in my actual current Start Screen combination above for example, happens to switch between two screens. One shows me the current day weather at large, and the other brings up a quick 3 day at a glance.

This combination functionality not only saves on screen real estate (as Android's widget system requires an app for the program, and then a widget for live info to be shown) but also allows for excellent customization of the home screen. The combinations of tile placement, size, and transparency for a background image of your choice is by far one of the slickest UI decisions I have seen on a phone.
And the animations Microsoft baked into the OS, ranging from scrolling through the tiles, to going in/out of apps, is elegant yet not overly flashy. Just the right mix of modern muscle and minimalist design.
Coming from Android, I must say that being able to swipe up/down to be able to get to all of my apps, and see status info across all of my Live Tiles at a single time, is a big benefit. I downright hated the limitations of Android's home screens. Icons could not be resized, and you had to work with multiple screens like the iPhone in order to list all your apps out. As such I was always making concessions about what apps I could have on my main screen, as I didn't want to scroll between screens all the time. It was painful, and seemed so old-school to me.
The transparency feature for background images is only partially effective as of yet. This is because not all app developers have turned on transparency for their apps yet. You can see how culprits such as Lync, Skype, Ebay and others on my home screen above are blocking view of the background. But with each passing week, the developers are releasing new apps that are turning this function on.

When I had my Android powered Galaxy S3, I always loved the powerful notification center it offered. When I originally got my Lumia 925, it had Windows Phone 8 which never had this functionality baked in. Now, with the advent of Windows Phone 8.1, Microsoft has made one of the largest and most welcome changes to the UI on the platform and given most of us what we were wishing for.
The notification center in WP 8.1 isn't anything out of this world, but it's functional enough to get me what I need in a quick manner. I am constantly using it now to check on new emails and texts and to shut off/on my Bluetooth and WiFi as necessary. Placement of the options compared to Android is a bit different, but it works well in the end. All of the same things I was able to do on Android are found here.

Windows Phone 8 got a bad rap for not including a notification center. That oversight is a thing of the past. WP 8.1 now has a very capable drown notification area that displays everything you would expect -- quick links to common settings, latest calls/emails/texts, and other pertinent info. It's simple, easy to access, and most of all gets the job done. (Image Source: Windows Phone Central)

I make no effort to hide the fact that I am in love with T-Mobile's WiFi Calling functionality offered on most capable handsets. iPhone has always been a holdout in this area, and one of the numerous reasons I always refused to get one. As a technician and business owner that is constantly onsite with clients where coverage is not stellar in all cases, being able to take calls/texts over WiFi is a tremendous value add that you can't get (from what I know) on Verizon, ATT, or Sprint.
And while Windows Phone 8 did include WiFi calling/texting, it had a nasty bug which I could never figure out. For some reason, visual voicemails never wanted to pass through when I had WiFi calling on. I would either have to go over to regular cell signal or wait until I was out of WiFi coverage so that the voicemails could stream in over 4G/LTE. A pain in the butt, especially when I was in bad coverage zones, like the Sears Tower in Chicago where cell service doesn't reach above the 60th floor or so.
Windows Phone 8.1 seems to have fixed WiFi Calling for the most part. Not only do calls seem to hold up slightly better when WiFi bandwidth is a bit choppier, but I can finally check my voicemails immediately with WiFi Calling enabled. Not sure who to thank for this improvement, but I'm sure both MS and T-Mobile had something to do with it. This was one of my biggest gripes about WP 8 as a WiFi Calling addict.
I also want to touch on battery life briefly, as this is an area where my Android experience was slightly pitiful. The fact that I had Wi-Fi calling on my Galaxy phones was nice, as this helped me extend my battery quite a bit, to nearly a full day when the batteries were new. But getting through a completely full day, with WiFi on, Pandora being used, Lync messages being sent, and email pounding my phone was almost a miracle.
I consider a full day being marked by the moment I wake up and remove my phone from the charger, to the moment I am going to sleep and plug it back in. My days usually start 6-7am and finish up around 11-12 midnight. That's quite a bit longer than what most consider just the regular workday hours.

My benchmark for battery life has always been my time on BlackBerry phones, in the OS 5/6/7 days up through the Torch 9810. I would easily get to 10-11pm at night and still have 30-40 percent battery life. And this was on HARSH days with lots of activity. I will preface this by saying that I did not use as many apps as I do now, but Pandora, email, Wi-Fi, email, texting, and calling were all fairly similar. The old BB devices just rocked in this area. Their propensity to crash due to their Java backbone was not as great, though.
But back to battery life. Windows Phone 8 was already giving me about a full day of battery, and Windows Phone 8.1 is getting slightly better life for my Lumia 925. I would say battery life has increased about 10-15 percent since WP 8. This all depends on usage during the day of course, as I also just installed a Bluetooth radio system in my car which I use for all phone calls on the road, and BT is not friendly to batteries I know that much.
Yet I am very happy with what kind of battery life I am seeing on the Lumia 925 after installing WP 8.1. Perhaps a few times a week I have to plug in early, around 5-6pm some days, due to extremely heavy usage like loads of calls over cell signal and Bluetooth all the while using Bing Maps to route my courses to client sites (relying on GPS, no less). I never remember my Galaxy S3 treating me as well in this area. Let me clarify: the S3 was good, but never great.
Another area that really pissed me off on the Android side was the double standard when it came to email apps. Want to use Gmail on your Android? Of course, Google treats you like royalty with their better than sliced bread Gmail app. But looking to connect your Office 365 account or POP account? Good luck with their awful native "Email" app. It is something you would expect on a Windows Mobile 5 device! I used Office 365 email on the Android for a little while using its native email app, but found it be utterly sub par and nothing like the Gmail app experience.
Yes, there are plenty of alternatives out there in the Play Store, like the fabulous Touchdown, but come on -- really? I  have to rely on third party apps to get basic functionality like Exchange-based email to work properly with due features and functionality? I know Google has no love left for Microsoft, but their reluctance to build a better non-Gmail email experience on the Android is frustrating. And part of the reason I waved them goodbye.

Already using a Windows 8.x tablet or computer? The up and coming concept ofUniversal Apps means just what it says: purchase/download an app once, and you have it immediately across all connected devices with a common usage experience. Apple has been hinting at such possibilities on its iOS/Mac platforms, but Microsoft is actually making it happen end to end. The unified Live Tile experience is already present, but it will take some time for developers to catch up on the app end. (Image Source: WinSupersite)
Windows Phone, like iPhone, doesn't treat non-MS email services with as much disdain as Google does on their phones. My experience for my Gmail account is as slick as it is for Office 365 and my account. Same interface, same options, and a unified experience overall. There are some aspects I enjoyed about the Gmail app experience on Android, but seeing as this was exclusive to Gmail, I'd rather have a fairly powerful experience that is similar across all of my various email accounts.
Google's assumption that everyone will be using Gmail or Google Apps is a mistaken one.
Another aspect I find severely lacking on the Android side is a fast, accurate camera an app experience. The biggest issue with the camera on the S3 was its verrry slow entrance into the camera app and time between photos. That is a thing of the past on my Lumia 925. I happen to use the Nokia Camera Beta app which is blazing fast (the stock app is quite good, but this one is by far the best) that has minimal delay on app entry and time between shots is almost as minimal as that for an entry level DSLR. Microsoft wasn't kidding when they said they wanted to provide the best mobile camera experience on the WP devices.

I use my Lumia now for all client site surveys, for example, when we need to install a new network or upgrade a server room, just to name a few. I can take easy panoramic shots, shoot video, or take traditional pics. Nokia Camera Beta is quite slick in its interface and I find it considerably more feature filled than what I had on my Galaxy S3. I also find using the dedicated camera button on the Lumia 925 to be much more fluid than tapping on the touchscreen to take photos, as I was doing on the S3.
I had numerous problems with ISO levels and blur on my S3 shots, which is also nearly gone on my Lumia 925. Most shots are crisp, have proper color levels, and the image stabilization on shots is actually darn accurate in most cases. Lumia cameras should be considered the bar for mobile photography.
Cortana is something which I admittedly don't use as much as some others probably do, but the service, just like Siri when it was released, is rapidly improving by the week. At initial launch, my tests with Cortana were just decent. It was missing some of my words and spitting out too many plain text Bing searches when it "gave up" on providing a contextual response. Now the service is increasingly becoming more accurate and the number of searches coming up with proper context returned are inching upwards.
Cortana isn't perfect by any means, but she's learning quickly due to the crowdsourcing that Microsoft is pushing through its Azure service to power Cortana. I'm personally letting others continue to guinea pig the service, but I can imagine that Cortana will have the reliability of Google Now in a half year to year timeframe at this rate, perhaps sooner. She's useful so much more than just searches, and you can go much deeper in depth on her capabilities in this great video.
It's also hard not to be excited about the future of Universal Apps across Windows 8.x devices. Microsoft let loose at BUILD 2014 that going forward, development effort for Windows Store apps is going to become unified so that Windows tablets/PCs, Phones, and Xbox can all share a common code baseline and therefore have apps that truly flow across all devices with ease.

Curious about what fruits the Universal Apps model will bring Windows Phone? Office Touch, the Windows Store edition of Office coming soon, will be one of the first heavy hitting collections of such apps for Windows devices. Windows Phone 8.1 users will soon have nearly as powerful of an Office experience as desktop users do -- beating out even the iPad, some say. The future of Windows-powered devices looks pretty bright. (Image Source: WinSupersite)
Think about it in plain terms like this. You may use a Windows 8.1 PC at work. You could also have a Windows 8.1 tablet or computer at home. And say you also pick up a Windows Phone device. When this concept of Universal Apps starts molding together, you will be able to place a single purchase of an app on your work computer, and it will instantly stream onto your other devices without any extra effort. This is all controlled through your sign in via a Microsoft Account.
As more apps continue to shift into the Windows Store model, and away from the legacy desktop approach, this functionality will start to have much more benefit for end users entrenched in the Windows 8.x ecosystem. For now, we still have a large distinction and separation between Windows Store apps for the desktop/tablet side and that of Windows Phone, with Xbox being on its own as well, but that future will be changing soon as Universal Apps become the standard.
Office Touch will likely be one of the first major flagship app suites that carry this model, and yes, it will presumably be available on Windows Phone the same day it hits Windows 8.x tablets and PCs. Getting serious work on on your phone will finally not be a second rate experience, here's hoping.
Finally, I want to touch on the overall stability of Windows Phone 8.1. Of all the mobile OSes I have touched, this has to be by far the most rock solid, crash-proof platform I have used. The worst of all were my BlackBerry OS 5/6/7 devices, that constantly hung up on Java exceptions and the like.
Once in a blue moon I have to restart my phone because of an odd issue with an app, but this seems more so induced through rare app crashes than general OS instability. But far less than what I had experienced on BlackBerry, Android, or even my short stint on an iPhone 4 (which later iOS releases seemed to be pressing to the limit, it seemed).
If you have any predispositions about the stability of Windows Phone based upon your experience with buggy Windows releases, like Windows 98 or XP or Vista, do yourself a favor and wipe those preconceptions away. Win Phone 8.1 is a completely different animal in almost every respect, and my daily usage with it for the last few months has proven that even to myself -- one of the biggest former doubters of the Windows Phone ecosystem.
Windows Phone 8.1: A Great Mobile OS, But Not Perfect
There's no such thing as perfection when it comes to fluid, changing software like a mobile OS. Windows Phone 8.1 is no exception. While I find it to be the best mobile experience I've personally used to date, it has its fair share of rough edges that people should know about.

As I continue to use my Lumia 925 more heavily on Bluetooth in my car, I am noticing the huge tanking that my battery takes when the technology is turned on. Bluetooth 4.0 LE is supposed to be one of the aspects that hits in the final final version of Windows Phone 8.1, but it doesn't seem to be included yet. I am sure many Bluetooth users would heavily appreciate being able to use this energy saving edition of BT, especially for mobile warriors like myself. Here's hoping this makes it into the final release from Nokia, along with the upcoming Lumia Cyan firmware update.
While I do think that Microsoft's Bing Maps and Nokia's HERE Maps apps are quite good, I sometimes wish I had Google Maps back, especially in situations where the mapping technology brings me to some bizarre addresses I am trying to get to. This has happened already twice in the last few weeks. One was my attempt to get to an animal shelter in our area (it took me to a destination about 1 mile off course) and the other was a client address that led me to a spot along a forest preserve. The technology is great when it works, but mistaken addresses seem to be a nagging problem on one of every 10-12 trips I take. I'm sure this can be easily resolved through some increased development effort on Microsoft's end.
Lync 2013 on Windows Phone runs great for the most part, but it still confuses my staff and I as to why and when it decides to show me as going offline. It's interesting, because as soon as a message is sent my way, it will "wake" me up on the mobile app and show me as idle, and the message will come through. But the bigger gripe I have is how Lync calls in the car that I push to Bluetooth only work about half the time.
The other half, the call just continues on silent and the other party doesn't know what is going on. This could be more of a Lync bug, but the Bluetooth aspect could be a fault due to Win Phone 8.1. Hard to say, but I wanted to alert potential buyers who are heavy Lync users. Since we switched our company onto hosted Lync through CallTower, our usage of Lync calls/chats is ballooning heavily over traditional phone calls and texts. I really hope Microsoft's Lync team can fine tune the mobile apps where we can rely on them for all client needs without needing to resort back to the native phone interface.
I also tend to rely on the official Podcasts app quite a bit when traveling. When I have enough of Pandora music, I tend to like to pop on some technical podcasts like Windows Weekly or Mike Tech Show and listen away. The app has a tendency to auto stream some shows behind the scenes, but the files don't always play properly. I sometimes have to force them to re-stream multiple times for them to work. Again, likely a work in progress, but annoying.
My final gripe happens to be centered around my phone of choice, the Lumia 925. The decision NOT to offer the handset in one of the dizzying arrays of cool colors like the other units have gotten (920, 1520, etc) is beyond me. As such, I went out and got a yellow outer case for my phone in an attempt to jazz it up over the standard silver/white it carries. There are no great cases on the market with color for the 925, so I'm stuck with a half baked aftermarket case that is already on its last leg.
I also have to scold Microsoft for choosing not to include both a removal battery and a removable SD card slot. Not that I am using SD cards anymore, but I am sure others out there would love to continue using the slot. But the lack of a removal battery is something that nearly turned me away from the Lumia 925, as I have always sworn by having a removable battery that I could replace when it died (another area I dislike Apple's approach in).
But I gave in, biting my lip. Here's hoping Microsoft brings back self-replaceable batteries to future Lumia models as I am sure many love purchasing replacement batteries for their phones. I did so heavily on my BlackBerry and Android phones and to me is a minor, but still strong, selling point.
The Media Is Changing Their Tune on Windows Phone, Finally
It seems that I'm not the only one finally being bullish on what Windows Phone 8.1 brings to the table. Numerous media outlets, even some that scorned most previous versions of Microsoft's mobile platform, seem to be coming full circle and actually praising the new OS.
The Verge wrote a detailed, lengthy writeup on the new WP 8.1 OS, giving it an official score of 8.0/10 (users are pinning it at a higher 9.1/10, ironically) with especially high praise to the excellent Live Tile home screen UI.
Engadget had similarly high praise for the OS, giving it an 85 score of 100 with kind words for the new action center, swipe keyboard, and potential being shown in the form of Cortana.
And ArsTechnica's headline for its formal in-depth piece on WP 8.1 speaks for itself: "Windows Phone 8.1 review: A magnificent smartphone platform".
Even Matt Miller over at ZDNet outlines how far Windows Phone 8.1 has come over all previous iterations, claiming that "Windows Phone 8.1 is compelling, so stop dreaming of Android". He goes on even further, adding that, "Developers continue to roll out apps for Windows Phone and the stability of the platform can't be beat. Roll on Windows Phone, roll on".

I think Windows Phone is an ecosystem that is rapidly improving, trying to distance itself from the image as an OS on the fringe and as more of a mainstream offering finally due to increased developer interest and high quality handset selection. I couldn't be happier with my time on the Lumia 925 since late last year, and Windows Phone 8.1 has furthered my comfort on the platform.
Should iPhone and Android users consider giving Windows Phone a try? I'll leave that up to you. I myself was a huge skeptic until I dipped my toes, and admittedly find it hard to go back to Android.
Over six months in at this point, all those flashy Galaxy and iPhone devices don't tempt me anymore. I'm already playing with the thought of upgrading to the phablet Lumia 1525 when it hits T-Mobile here.
Windows Phone 8.1 has lived up to my expectations for the most part, and proves that you can have leagues of customization capabilities without having to sacrifice device quality, OS stability, or feature sets. If app counts are your sole bearing for the value that a Windows Phone can bring, you may be slightly disappointed.

But if you're like most of the population that is App'ed-out at this point (myself included), Windows Phone 8.1 is a friendly, functional OS that will likely surprise even the biggest Android/iPhone lovers.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Android L release date, news and features

Android L is here, and it's brought a raft of new changes, with Sundar Pichai, head of Android, proclaiming it to be one of the biggest upgrades to Android yet.

It's going to have a radical new design, 5000 new APIs, will be available for developer previews soon, and it's going beyond the mobile form factor. Android L will be contextually aware of its surrounding, plus voice is going to me a major input source.
The experience will also be seamless, so Android L devices communicate properly, although Pichai was at pains to point out the mobile phone will always be the priority.
TechRadar was in attendance to see all the action unfold, so if you're hankering for all the information about Android L, then you've come to the right place. Check out everything you need to know about Google's new mobile platform.

Android L release date

Here's what most of you will be wanting to know: when can I get it on my phone? Well, if you're a developer with a Nexus 5 or Nexus 7 then it will be easiest, as it's available from June 26 to developers.
For the rest of the folk in the world, it's coming 'this fall', which means that this is very much a preview to appease those that want to get cracking on development, and launching it at Google IO makes sense.
This also means that as Android L readies itself for a consumer launch we'll find out more about whether it's Android 5, Android 4.5 and which dessert name it will have... we're certain there's one coming.

Android L release date
The new version of Android is a few months away

HTC has already been in contact, giving the following statement about it's forthcoming upgrade to Android L:
"HTC is excited about the new features in Android L and we can't wait to share them with our customers. We are committed to updating our flagship HTC One family as fast as possible.

"We will begin rolling out updates to the HTC One (M8) and HTC One (M7)in regions worldwide within 90 days of receiving final software from Google, followed shortly thereafter by other One family members and select devices."
Remember, this doesn't mean the developer preview, but the final version later in the year. So expect Android L on your HTC One M8 and M7 around Christmas.

We'll update you as soon as we find out any more information from the other manufacturers about their plans for Android L release schedules.

Material Design

The big news for Android L is the change to the way it looks - and it's going well beyond the mobile phone to the tablet, TV screen, watch and even the car.
The new Material Design is strange in that it bucks a trend at the moment - yes, it's flat, but it's heavily based on making every animation, every ripple, every shadow look real, which is something that most brands are shying away from.
Android L release date
It's meant to look both flat and 3D
Google tells us that this feels more intuitive, which means that there will be shadow gradients, 3D tiles that slide over one another and most importantly: access for developers to use this for themselves on their apps.
The idea of obvious: remove the fragmented way Android looks and bring consistency to the app world not matter what device you're on.
Roboto font has been updated too, so everything from watch to TV to mobile looks the same.
Android L release date
The whole interface is updated and improved
Every animation on screen will be allowed to connect to one another - so there's no 'teleportation between apps'. The home, back and multi-tasking window buttons on Android have been refined too, and overall, this is a massive step forward for a cleaner, more intuitive-looking version of Google's mobile platform.

Notifications and lock screen

Notifications on Android L are getting an overhaul, so only the more relevant information about your apps is being presented. The notification panel is being merged with the lockscreen so you can see what's going on as you pick up the phone, and a simple swipe up takes you into the phone.
Imagine that the lockscreen is similar to the notifications panel now, and you're pretty much there.
Android L will also learn from you, working out what you look at and interact with more often to prioritise that notification.
Android L
Another big change is that notifications will flow over the screen at the top - get a call when you're playing a game and it will pop up at the top, asking if you want to take it. This will likely be the same with messages etc too, meaning less intrusion at the wrong times.
Android L release date
The improved lock screen
The lockscreen is getting smarter too - if you've got a specific location set up, or are wearing a Bluetooth device, the phone will recognise you and unlock without a PIN. Move away or take your watch off and you'll need to tap or swipe in a code when you unlock - or you can even use your voice.

Interlocking apps

Google wants your apps to be able to talk to one another - it used the example of searching for a place, only to have it served up in Google Earth, which is where it originally was being looked at.
The idea goes much deeper than that though - Chrome browsing has an API that other apps can take advantage of, so if you click a link to book a table in the browser you'll be taken to something like OpenTable directly, rather than the mobile site.
This feature depends a lot on app developers taking advantage of the new tools, but all the onboard Google apps will be much more dependent on one another.

Android L is Faster, better looking and more efficient

Whilst Android comes with some nifty new features that make an immediate visual impact, Google has put a lot of work in behind the scenes to ensure that Android L is the fastest yet. If you're not big on codespeak, then this is the upshot: a new way of putting the platform together when you're using the phone makes everything slicker, faster and more efficient.
If you're interested, here are the finer details: ART, an optional runtime inAndroid KitKat, has now been made the standard for Android L and works with ARM, x86 and MIPS platforms and runs twice as fast as the Dalvik runtime that is found on previous Android iterations.
Android L release date
Mega fast compared
The biggest benefit to users comes that this won't require apps to be readjusted in order to benefit, instead all apps with benefit from ART right away. ART is also more memory efficient than Dalvik meaning that apps that are running in the background will benefit from megabytes of saved data.
ART is also 64-bit compatible allowing Android L to benefit from the larger number registers, cross platform support and the increased RAM support that 64-bit architecture supports.
Android L also allows mobile devices to further close the gap not only between mobile and console-quality gaming, but also between mobile and PC graphics. Working with Nvidia, Qualcomm, ARM and Imagination Technologies Google has designed the Android Extension Pack with the sole task of closing the gap between mobile and desktop-class graphics, which will result in "more realistic environments, more realistic characters and vastly improved lighting".

Android L battery life

Batteries on phones running Android L are going to become more efficient with Project Volta, Google's new way of showing why and how a phone's power pack is juicing down.
It opens up the battery use to developers so they can see what's ruining the experience, which should in turn help plug the gaps in power leakage. Nothing specific to talk about yet but will help make things look more efficient.
Battery Saver mode is integrated by default too, which can lengthen your use during the day by up to 90 mins. Not extreme power saving like on Samsung or HTC phones, but still useful to have baked in, even if all and sundry already have a likely more efficient version on board.
Even without Battery Saver mode Android L could do wonders for battery life. ArsTechnica put the new OS version to the test and found that a Nexus 5 running Android L had around 36% more battery life than one on Android 4.4 KitKat.

Android Wear gets kicked up a Gear

We saw a lot more about Android Wear - and not only that, but we were introduced to Samsung's Gear Live, the third member of the new smartwatch game Google is trying to put together before Apple throws its hat into the ring.
Android Wear will use the same tools as on Android for phones and tablets, plus square and circular screens will be supported. Sensors will be well integrated for fitness and social interactions, and help reduce the need to check a phone screen. It's basically wearables like the Galaxy Gear 2, really.
Android L release date
The LG G Watch
However, the design is a lot nicer, and is very similar to Google Now by letting you swipe through cards and for more information. The watch is also contextually aware, so if you ask to be notified about something when you 'get home' it will know.
The watch (whichever you have) is very much voice enabled, allowing you to play music on your phone or other connected devices.
You can even get a boarding pass on your watch... the poor flight attendants. They'd only just got used to the phone being used in this way. Do you really want to take off your watch and hand it over?
Google Maps is going to give turn by turn navigation on your wrist as well now - finally. And the whole thing will be opened up with an SDK, so developers can write code right to the wrist itself, in a very similar environment to what they're used to, so apps should be super-snazzy right from the start.
When a watch is connected to a phone, it will look to see if any apps have watch compatibility and show them right on your wrist - no need for separate apps to download, a la the Samsung Gear range. Which means you can order pizza on your wrist in less than 20 seconds... that's dangerous, right there.
And all the watches announced so far (LG, Samsung and Moto) are water resistant too.
The LG G Watch is available on the Play Store - and it will be joined by the all-new Samsung Gear Live too. The former will retail for $229, LG said at a press event this afternoon. Straight conversions put the watch at about £134 and AU$243.
As for the Gear Live, it will cost $199 (about £117, AU$211). Pre-orders get off the ground straight away via Google Play, and it will start shipping July 7.
As for the Moto 360, well, sadly, it won't be available until later in the summer.

Android TV now baked right in too

Android L is also going to support TV, with information overlaid across the top of the information. It's called Android TV, surprisingly, and after the failure of Google TV the brand is having another go, such was the popularity of the Chromecast.
This means you've got content (games, films, TV shows etc) straight on your big screen and has a home button to get you back to the main display whenever you want.
Search is well-integrated too (through the mobile phone... or even an Android Wear watch), with Android TV very much powered by voice. So say you search for something like 'Breaking Bad' on the phone (when connected to the Android TV) it will show you the option to watch it on Google Play or any other compatible app installed.
The demo showed that Netflix was installed, but didn't appear in the search options - perhaps it was just a dummy app for now, but certainly that would be where the info would show.
And here's the great news: Android TV has been signed up to by some big names - the likes of Sony, Philips and Sharp have whole 4K ranges based on Android TV. Asus and Razer promise to have set top boxes to achieve the same thing too... although surely Google will update Chromecast to achieve the same thing.
This could really ramp up the smart TV game.
Android TV is looking to snap up the mobile gamer too. You can take the games to the bigger screen in the house. It looks like you need a separate gamepad too. With the new Android L-based Android TV, you can even play multiplayer games... or use it like a Chromecast too.
The rumors from before the event:
Android 5 is going to be exciting, there's no doubt about that. Google saves the change to a new number for the big things, and it seems Android L is now on its way, ready to be debuted at Google IO on June 25.
We thought it would have been Key Lime Pie that showed off the next level, but on 31 October 2013, Google officially revealed its next minor update,Android 4.4 KitKat, which now clears the road for Android 5.
The dessert-themed code name that we assume will begin with L is anyone's guess at this stage. Android 5.0 Lemon Cheesecake or Android 5.0 Lemon Meringue Pie, anyone? Though there's talk that it might be called Android Lollipop or even Android Moonshine, as it's apparently internally known.
However, the latest leaks point simply to Android L - given Android head honcho Sundar Pichai said the conference would give the world an early look at the new OS, chances are the name will be held back until closer to launch, which may be later in the year.
Then again, a new screengrab of the KitKat Easter egg shows a new pudding - is that a hark to the possible Key Lime Pie that was usurped by KitKat, or are we looking at Lemon Meringue Pie?
Lemon Meringue Pie
Which pudding is that?
It may not be called Android 5 though, with some rumors suggesting the next major iteration from Google's wheel house could arrive as Android 4.5. That would make sense as we've had 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 in recent years.
That said, it appears Google may have just dropped a hint as to the version number of the next iteration of Android. 5.0 is currently looking favorableafter the time of "5.00" appeared on screenshots posted on Twitter by the search giant - a signal Google has used before.
Android 5.0 Lollipop - LEAK
Is Android 5.0 next in line? (credit: @Google)
As we wait on official news of that name, we're constantly combing the web to see what's going to be happening with this L-powered update, so check back to see what we've uncovered and the level of likelihood each rumor brings.

Cut to the chase

  • What is it? The next major upgrade for Android, to follow on from Android 4.4
  • When is it out? We're thinking later in 2014, but an early look at Google IO
  • What will it cost? Nothing, it'll be a free upgrade, but some handsets will take longer to get it than others.

Android 5.0 release date

Given Android 4.4 KitKat appeared on 31 October, we're looking forward to finally seeing a big step forward for Android. The good news is we're going to get our first taste at Google IO, the search firm's annual two-day developer conference in San Francisco.
That's a year on from when we had originally expected to see Android 5.0, which was at Google IO 2013, but Google has been keeping things within the '4.x' family for a while now.
Sundar Pichai, Google's new head of Android told Wired that 2013's IO was "not a time when we have much in the way of launches of new products or a new operating system"," which makes us wonder when the new software will be coming.
Our take: Android updates are still appeating too slowly for our liking, as while each 0.1-numbered upgrade is good, it's not enough to make us want the native experience.
We're expecting Google to make Android 5 rather special indeed, which means it can only wait a maximum of 6-7 months after KitKat was announced to show it off - so it's a relief to hear it's appearing, in some form at least, at the conference.
More recent reports of Android 4.5 being next in line may mean the update is more iterative than sprawling overhaul, so we're not getting too carried away just yet.
In any case Google I/O is set for June 25-26, so with any luck we should know lots, lots more about what Android Lollipop will be bringing to the table soon.

Android 5.0 phones

The first handset to run Android 5 will either be a Nexus phone or tablet, and given the timing of the announcement we think it might be the latter. The Google Nexus 5 launched Android 4.4 at the tail end of next year, and while we've been waiting for the update to the big-screen tablet, the Nexus 10 (2014) doesn't look like it's appearing any time soon.
HTC looks like the front runner to bring this tablet to the market (if it does exist), but the rumors aren't pointing to an unveil any time soon.
We're also hearing a lot of rumblings about a Nexus 8, a slate which willsupposedly launch with Android 4.5, so maybe that's the device that Android Lollipop will make its debut on.
Will it be known as a Nexus though? The scheme is under threat fromAndroid Silver, but it doesn't look like that's launching yet, so we reckon the Nexus name will be kept for at least the next round of devices.
Google IO 2012
Androids out in force at Google IO 2012

Android Wear

A more recent idea is that Google's next version of Android will have more fitness smarts built in - and this is an idea we think has legs, if you'll pardon the sort-of pun.
Apple is set to launch the iWatch and iOS 8 with fitness very much at the heart - Cupertino looks very likely to be bringing something that's able to track your heart rate, blood glucose and other vital medical info before shooting it over to your doctor.
It seems Google wants to do the same thing - it's recently-launchedAndroid Wear platform already has companies like LG and Motorola signed up, and Samsung is rumored to be joining the party too.
The idea is future versions of Android (ie Android 5) will allow the software to harness "fitness data from sensors on your Android device."
Pichai has essentially confirmed this is going to be baked into the hardware and software side of things, telling Bloomberg that it made no sense to have to go to the doctor to measure a variety of health elements when technology can do it daily.
"You obviously need to be able to measure these things so many more times and then apply more intelligence to it," he said.
It also looks like Android 5 may add support for 64-bit processors, as the Nexus 8 is rumored to have one and to be running the new version of Android (if it turns out to be a real device - chances are it won't appear just yet).
That in turn would allow for more than 4GB of RAM in devices, opening the floodgates to enormous increases in power.
Some have speculated that Android 5.0 will be actually Chrome OS, Google's high power operating system for its Chromebooks - that it would use Android for low- to mid-level handsets and put Chrome on the high end.
However, this makes little sense given the effort that would be needed for app integration, so like Microsoft and Windows Phone the mobile OS will very likely continue as is.
Android L
recent image of 'Android L' (which is presumably Android 4.5 / 5) appears to show the browser floating in the middle of the screen, which may mean we'll be getting split screen apps. That would certainly be a useful feature, particularly on larger devices.
Samsung, LG and Sony already do this but if the functionality is baked into Android then all devices potentially could.

Android 5.0 interface

While little is known about the potential interface changes for the next iteration of Google's mobile platform, be it Android 5.0 or Android 4.5, a screenshot has appeared online claiming to reveal the upcoming version.
Android 4.5 - LEAK
The screenshot shows new icons apparently destined for Android 4.5
There's a clear visual overhaul present in the screenshot, and according to the leak the new design is being referred to as "Moonshine" internally at Google.
Android dialer
We've also caught a glimpse of how the dialer might look in Android 4.5 / Android 5, courtesy of an image leaked by Google itself. It's not in for a radical redesign but if the image is to be believed then it will be going blue, rather than sticking with the current light gray colour.